Your opportunity to shine!


Use self –  talk to turn fear into fabulous.  When you are feeling nervous, or anxious, or afraid use your inner voice to connect with the greatness within and to disconnect from the chaos outside.

I recently had a discussion with my 11 year old son about why he had done poorly on his exams. He replied, “Mom I was nervous. I was afraid of being held back if I failed and upsetting you and Dad.” So I said to him  “Let’s try a little experiment. The next time you take a test, instead of worrying about doing poorly and disappointing others, think of it as your opportunity to show everyone what you know. Hold your test in your hand take a deep breath or two and say okay brain time to kick into gear and rock and roll.” He smiled as he nodded gently and agreed to do so.

Shortly after this discussion I thought to myself that this was applicable advice not just to my struggling student, but for everyone and anyone who allows their fears to get in the way of their potential. Most of us are guilty of this and so there is no need to be ashamed to admit it. That being said, we can also take responsibility for our own well-being and change the fear rooted behaviors that keeps us stuck, sad, and hopeless.  We can align ourselves with a higher power- our Divine power – and conquer those fears in order to be who we truly are and fulfill our dreams.

Time and time again it has been proven scientifically that new neural pathways are forged with new thoughts. Positive talk and positive affirmations are more than just words; they are guidance systems, roadmaps if you will, to treasures of the heart and soul. The longer you hold the thought and the more you repeat the words the stronger the pathways grow. Eventually, you build a bridge of hope over the river of despair and a superhighway that will transport you to a life you can live joyfully.

It is simple Angelic Alchemy. Using the Divine in you to create the change. You can do it! Nothing to lose. Give it a try.

Lightworker Lisa

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